Haul | December Sales & Christmas Gifts

Christmas xmas December Haul Gifts What I got January Sales Vans Soap Glory Mac Lipstick Headcandy Urban Decay Naked Gucci Flora Swarovski Nails Inc Polish L'Oreal Sublime Bronze Aussie Victoria Beckham Lacoste
Christmas xmas December Haul Gifts What I got January Sales Vans Soap Glory Mac Lipstick Headcandy Urban Decay Naked Gucci Flora Swarovski Nails Inc Polish L'Oreal Sublime Bronze Aussie Victoria Beckham Lacoste
Christmas xmas December Haul Gifts What I got January Sales Vans Soap Glory Mac Lipstick Headcandy Urban Decay Naked Gucci Flora Swarovski Nails Inc Polish L'Oreal Sublime Bronze Aussie Victoria Beckham Lacoste Boyfriend Engagement

Happy New Year to all my beautiful readers!

I love reading these What I got for Christmas posts and I've been wanting to post this for a couple of days now but haven't been able to photograph anything because of lighting in my room. This "haul" is just a collection of things that I bought myself or received over the last couple of weeks. I had a lovely (slightly hungover) Christmas with my family eating way too much and snuggling up in front of the TV with my parents before spending the evening with the bf's family. It was so nice to take some time off from everything and just relax. I've had a stressful and sleepless couple of months so it's been amazing to be migraine free for a while. Now getting back into the swing of things, getting my final assignment done, studying for exams and preparing to start my my internship. I have so many exciting things planned for the New Year, you can read all about that in my 2012 Lookback & New Year Resolutions post. 

I was delighted to see another charm for "our" bracelet from the boyfriend. Mama had mentioned that she was looking at the Swarovski charms and there wasn't a lot of choice but luckily the boy was able to pick something, not only perfect for Christmas, but thats very me. What really surprised me was seeing a little box all wrapped up in pretty paper with a big bow on it and a gorgeous ring inside with "I promise soon..." engraved on the inside. He searched through hundreds of rings and annoyed the poor sales assistant on a weekly basis wanting to see it again and again to make sure it was the right one for me. I love the whole story behind the ring, it makes it even more special. Every time it catches the light and sparkles, I'm reminded how lucky I am to have my best friend as my boyfriend and I'm so glad I didn't let 'what if...?' stand in our way. As another year ends and a new one begins, I'm very excited and hopeful for the future and new adventures and I am very grateful for the people I get to share it all with. 

I hope this year is your best year yet! xo


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