Hampton Inspired Summer 2012 Fashion Collage

Having The Hampton beach vacation area as this summer's style trend inspiration is all about being relaxed, casual with a touch of sophistication.  For more on how to put together Hampton inspired outfits read more here.

Maxi dresses can be worn to any event - day or evening. If you plan on walking down the boardwalk or even through your favorite mall, pairing a neon colored with top tailored shorts is a simple solution - wear this outfit with a pair of ballerina flats and you are all set!

Fringe bikinis are all the rage for the beach but make sure you wear a floppy straw hat with your diva sunglasses when you step out of the water...protect your skin while looking fabulous!

Hamptons Inspired Summer Outfits

Now it's Your Turn:  How are you being inspired this summer season? Are there any favorite Hampton or other inspired accessories that are on your summer wish list?

Please share your opinion, we love having conversations with our readers!


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