We Love Wu! Jason Wu for Target That Is!

Have you heard the latest news happening at Target this month? If not, I have only one question for you: "where the H-E-double-L have you been hiding?"

During the past few months, Target has made changes to the types of apparel they are marketing to us, the consumers. If I say so myself, these changes were well over due and are much appreciated!

One of the NEW designer fashions seen recently was the introduction of the Missoni line. Once the Missoni pieces hit their racks, Target stores were flooded with shoppers, their online store site crashed several times, not to mention, Missoni pieces were completely SOLD OUT within the beginning hours of the introduction sale!

Unfortunately, I was among those who were left out in the dust to rot. I tried logging into my Target online account: NO MISSONI. Drove to my favorite Target store, which is less that a mile from our condo, NADA MISSONI. EVERYTHING WAS GONE!

Well, this may happen to me once BUT it is not going to happen to me twice!

On February 5th, which is only 4 days away, Target will now introduce us to the styling wisdom of Jason Wu. According to Targets' advertising, Jason Wu apparel, "signature are clean lines ans smart details."

To give us an idea, look at these pieces:

If you like these pieces, then this Sunday, February 5th, try to make your way to a Target near you, or if fighting the masses is not your thing, then shop Jason Wu online.

For more on Jason Wu apparel designs and other hot new trends being offered at Target go here

Now, what are you going to do this Sunday? Are you going to shop Jason Wu in store or online?


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