Hottest Trend for Spring: NEON

Being a child of "........" years, I can vividly remember when wearing neon colors was considered to be "oh so trendy". Well, as in sometimes tends to happen in the world of fashion, some trends come and leave for good, while other trends come back and with a vengeance!

The fashionistas at have conveniently put together a list of ways this Neon Trend can be worn. So let's see some of the ideas they came up with:

#1 - Pink Neon Lips

#2 - Louboutin Inspired Neon Stilettos  (Hell yea!)

#3 - A Neon Clutch

#4 - Neon Nail Art - Yes, a MUST Do!

#5 - Another Neon Weave Inspired (NOT HAIR) Clutch

#6 - Infinity Neon Scarf - This is a definite BUY!

#7 - A Neon Painted Bangle - Lovely

#8 - Not a Clutch Babe? No worries - Get a Neon Messenger Bag instead!

#9 - A Neon Felted Necklace - Use cautiously, please!

#10 - A Simple yet Bright Neon Orange & Pink Outfit

There are just a few of the suggestions in slideshow. If you are intrigued and would like to see the entire fashion article: please click here.

Now My Fashion Mavens, it's Your Turn: Out of these 10 Neon item suggestions, which do you see yourself wearing this Season?


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